Design Systems Day 2020
About the event
Design Systems Day 2020 brought together designers and managers with extensive hands-on experience with successfully launching and growing design systems.
Just like at our 2019 event, the speakers work with design systems at companies large and small, in public organizations, and at research institutes. Our speakers delved into the practical realities of design systems. We learned about what works, what doesn't, what's easy and what's really hard about design systems.
Adapting to our customers’ needs (10 min) Marius Røstad - Head of Digital Products
Marius Røstad will in his opening keynote discuss the challenges Ruter has gone through recently and how design systems can help in solving such challenges; from working with more traditional methods and tools to more effective ones, where the services are expected to be at the standard of the very best solutions in the world, and meet the needs of the customers – at all time.
Design systems to enable solutions for everyone (20 min), Christian Nordström - Design Manager at Ruter
Christian’s talk emphasizes how design system is essential to support inclusive design in the development of digital and physical services and products at Ruter. In his talk, Christian will show examples of how Ruter has developed and made guidelines and components available, and how communication is an essential part of the work.
There's no right way to make a design system (40 min), Alex Skougarevskaya - Senior Design Manager, Atlassian
Design systems are hard. They’re messy and complicated - No one has it figured out and we’re still all learning from each other.’ After working on Atlassian’s design systems for five years, Alex Skougarevskaya will talk about the less than linear evolution of their design system and the lessons she learned on the way. She’ll cover the current state of their design system, who creates it and how it evolved from a project to a ‘product for products’ to what it is today - a service enabling Atlassian’s to build cohesive product experiences that unleash the potential of every team. From Alex - expect honesty and passion, and if nothing else you’ll hopefully feel better about the mess your own design system is (probably) in and have a few laughs along the way.
How we build design systems at If (20 min), Alexander Vassbotn Røyne-Helgesen - Frontend developer at Bekk
Today, more and more development is done in tight relation with designers and UX-designers, triggering the need for a design system that is tightly coupled with both design and code. Until recently, communication has gone one way, from the designers to the developers. This talk covers the process that we developed to ensure that the conversation around a design system runs in both directions, between design and development. We will cover generation of preprocessor styles with design tokens, generating Sketch files for the designers and how we generate our design systems continuously. We will also discuss the value that If has gained from adopting design systems, explain how we create clear and understandable documentation, give examples of how we prioritize the needs of the end-users and the design systems users, and show how we keep our designs and our code accessible.
Designing for chaos: Design System(s) at TIDAL (20min), Erik Ferrier - Head of Design at Tidal
How do we deliver complex digital solutions or large marketing campaigns with small teams in a culture of short deadlines, last-minute changes, multiple stakeholders, and high secrecy? How do we enable team members to be independent and proactive while ensuring Brand consistency? How do we collaborate in an around the clock design operation in different time zones?
This talk explores the journey of creating and implementing Design System(s) at TIDAL and how it was applied to such a variety of media and products, from the redesign of tidal.com and sign up to in-app content as playlist covers.
Making a design system for ocean industries (20 min), Kjetil Nordby - Head of Ocean Industries Concept Lab at AHO
Maritime workplaces are assembled by systems delivered by a large number of vendors with little coordination of user experience. We present the OpenBridge Design system that make it possible to harmonize design across systems and vendors. We will present some of the challenges working in the maritime domain and our approach to solving them.
How to get Executive Buy-In for building, scaling and maintaining a Design System (20 min), Christian Rørholt Moe - Chief Digital Officer at Gjensidige
How we scaled our design system (20 min), Torstein Aas-Hansen - Concept Developer at Gjensidige
Moving the whales, the first glimpse (20 min), Robin Klein Schiphorst - DesignOps Coach at Arrivals & Strategic Director at Idean
Enterprise-level design systems are hard, complicated, and will probably give you a grey hair or two. They usually involve multiple companies, brands, products, platforms, and every user group you can imagine. You will have to align and facilitate change among leadership, business, marketing, brand, product teams for digital and analog, and more. Things look big, real big, so we need to break them down into manageable bites. Robin will share his philosophy and a method called ThreeTimes, from his playbook to help you get started. He worked on projects with Schibsted / Aftenposten Norway's first algorithm that designs, and with Laerdal on Life a multi-level design system and many more.
På vei mot et designsystem for Oslo kommune (20 min), Bernard Tømmerbakke - Lead Designer at Oslo kommune
Med over 50 000 ansatte fordelt på over 50 virksomheter er Oslo kommune blant landets største arbeidsgivere. Økt satsing på digitalisering, ny kommunikasjons-strategi og visuell identitet har satt fokus på behovet for å etablere felles verktøy og metodikk for alle som skal designe og utvikle digitale tjenester. Med utgangspunkt i kommunens nettsider arbeider vi sentralt med å utvikle et bærekraftig designsystem som skal skalere på tvers av kommunens digitale økosystem. Arbeidet er helt i startfasen, men allikevel har vi gjort oss nyttige erfaringer knyttet til de utfordringene det er å skape helhet og samhandling på tvers av en kompleks og silobasert organisasjon bestående av ulike digitale fagmiljøer og løsninger.
Design at Scale (40 min), Peter Merholz - Design executive and organizational consultant
About the speakers

About Ruter As
Ruter plans, coordinates, orders and markets public transport in Oslo and former Akershus (now part of Viken county). All transport services are performed by various operating companies on the company's behalf.
The talks
Ruter: Adapting to our customers' needs
Marius Røstad will in his opening keynote discuss the challenges Ruter has gone through recently and how design systems can help in solving such challenges; from working with more traditional methods and tools to more effective ones, where the services are expected to be at the standard of the very best solutions in the world, and meet the needs of the customers – at all time.
Ruter: Design systems to enable solutions for everyone
Christian’s talk emphasizes how design system is essential to support inclusive design in the development of digital and physical services and products at Ruter. In his talk, Christian will show examples of how Ruter has developed and made guidelines and components available, and how communication is an essential part of the work.
Atlassian: There's no right way to make a design system
Design systems are hard. They’re messy and complicated - No one has it figured out and we’re still all learning from each other.’
Atlassian's Alex Skougarevskaya speaksabout the less-than-linear evolution of their design system and the lessons she learned on the way. She covers the current state of their design system, who creates it and how it evolved from a project to a ‘product for products’ to what it is today - a service enabling Atlassian’s to build cohesive product experiences that unleash the potential of every team.
From Alex - expect honesty and passion, and if nothing else you’ll hopefully feel better about the mess your own design system is (probably) in and have a few laughs along the way.
If: How we build design systems at If
Today, more and more development is done in tight relation with designers and UX-designers, triggering the need for a design system that is tightly coupled with both design and code. Until recently, communication has gone one way, from the designers to the developers. This talk covers the process that we developed to ensure that the conversation around a design system runs in both directions, between design and development. We will cover generation of preprocessor styles with design tokens, generating Sketch files for the designers and how we generate our design systems continuously. We will also discuss the value that If has gained from adopting design systems, explain how we create clear and understandable documentation, give examples of how we prioritize the needs of the end-users and the design systems users, and show how we keep our designs and our code accessible.
Designing for chaos: Design System(s) at TIDAL
How do we deliver complex digital solutions or large marketing campaigns with small teams in a culture of short deadlines, last-minute changes, multiple stakeholders, and high secrecy? How do we enable team members to be independent and proactive while ensuring Brand consistency? How do we collaborate in an around the clock design operation in different time zones?
This talk explores the journey of creating and implementing Design System(s) at TIDAL and how it was applied to such a variety of media and products, from the redesign of tidal.com and sign up to in-app content as playlist covers.
AHO, Ocean Industries Concept Lab: Making a design system for ocean industries (EN)
Maritime workplaces are assembled by systems delivered by a large number of vendors with little coordination of user experience. We present the OpenBridge Design system that make it possible to harmonize design across systems and vendors. We will present some of the challenges working in the maritime domain and our approach to solving them.
How to get Executive Buy-In for building, scaling and maintaining a Design System
Christian gives an insight from upper management perspective of what it takes to get resources for building, scaling and maintaining a design system. The talk gives specific tips of what a design system should report on to get the needed support from management.
Gjensidige: How we scaled our design system
Torstein gives an insight on how Gjensidige design system has developed and scaled over time.
Idean: Moving the whales, the first glimpse
Enterprise-level design systems are hard, complicated, and will probably give you a grey hair or two. They usually involve multiple companies, brands, products, platforms, and every user group you can imagine.
You will have to align and facilitate change among leadership, business, marketing, brand, product teams for digital and analog, and more. Things look big, real big, so we need to break them down into manageable bites.
Robin will share his philosophy and a method called ThreeTimes, from his playbook to help you get started. He worked on projects with Schibsted / Aftenposten Norway's first algorithm that designs, and with Laerdal on Life a multi-level design system and many more.
Oslo Kommune: På vei mot et designsystem for Oslo kommune (NO)
Med over 50 000 ansatte fordelt på over 50 virksomheter er Oslo kommune blant landets største arbeidsgivere. Økt satsing på digitalisering, ny kommunikasjonsstrategi og visuell identitet har satt fokus på behovet for å etablere felles verktøy og metodikk for alle som skal designe og utvikle digitale tjenester.
Med utgangspunkt i kommunens nettsider arbeider vi sentralt med å utvikle et bærekraftig designsystem som skal skalere på tvers av kommunens digitale økosystem.
Arbeidet er helt i startfasen, men allikevel har vi gjort oss nyttige erfaringer knyttet til de utfordringene det er å skape helhet og samhandling på tvers av en kompleks og silobasert organisasjon bestående av ulike digitale fagmiljøer og løsninger.
Peter Merholz: Design at Scale (EN)
Peter talks about the importance of people when working with design at scale, with various point of views to consider.